File Host Per Itunes
File Host Per Itunes TopHow to Create RSS XML Feed for Podcasts. December 3. 1st 2. Updated January 9th 2. Podcast on How to Create MP3 and RSS XML feed. This page gives the additional information talked about in our Dec 3. This tutorial will talk about how we put together our MP3 file for this pod. Cast and then more importantly about how to create a proper RSS XML file for a pod. Cast. Hardware Used. Computer Mac G4 Ti 5. Wondering how to best convert that media file This is your guide out of the media file jungle. We compiled the most relevant media file conversion tools and show you. A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio or video files which a user can download and listen to. It is often available for subscription, so that new episodes. EDITORS NOTE The following is Jonah Goldbergs weekly newsletter, the GFile. Subscribe here to get the GFile delivered to your inbox on Fridays. MHz Powerbook Microphone Andrea Anti Nois USB NC 7. Came with IBM Via. Voice lt 1. 00Software Used. Editing Recording Garage. Band 4. 9 w i. LifeMP3 Conversion i. Tunes Free from Apple. MP3 Tutorial Moved to bottom of the page. RSS XML Tutorial. For now lets assume you have a great MP3 and you are ready to share it with the world as a pod. Cast. What do you do next If you are like me and you felt you were one of only 2. US that did not have a political blog of some sort in 2. RSS and XML thing can seem very daunting. But rest assured it is not so bad. To start with we did a lot of searching on RSS and podcasts. We found a few good articles out of many One of the best was by Danny Sullivan searchenginewatch. File Host Per Itunes DownloadHowever it was written prior to pod. Casting and did not cover the issue of Enclosures. With some reverse engineering and multiple reads of http blogs. We were able to figure out what needs to be in your. Essentially it comes down to four main items Title, Description, Link Enclosure. With a few more items thrown in for good measure. The following is the source code for our. Those items in Red are Optional i. Tunes Friendly tags. UTF 8 lt rss xmlns ituneshttp www. Cast. 41. 1lt title lt description The 4. File Host Per Itunes Login' title='File Host Per Itunes Login' />ITunes a tj u n z or a t u n z is a media player, media library, online radio broadcaster, and mobile device management application developed. Sarah And Vinnies Full Show Podcast 12. Vinnie has new headphones, top 10 nude scenes of the year, Hooman and Bryns interview with James Dave Franco. A communitybuilt site of hints and tips on using Apples new Mac OS X operating system. Casts, pod. Casters and podcastinglt description lt link http www. Copyright 2. 00. 7lt copyright lt last. Build. Date Sat, 2. Mar 2. 00. 6 1. 1 3. Build. Date lt pub. Date Sat, 2. 5 Mar 2. Date lt docs http blogs. Master robpodcast. Master lt itunes author rob podcast. Cast. 41. 1 is a show about interviewing other Podcasters, similar to Inside the Actors Studio except for Podcasting lt itunes subtitle lt itunes summary pod. Cast. 41. 1 is a show about interviewing other Podcasters, similar to Inside the Actors Studio except for Podcasting. Each show we interview a different Podcaster to find out what Podcasts they are listening to, what their show is about, what they are using to create their Podcast and what advice they have for other Podcasters or those looking to become a Podcaster. Plus we have news, notes and tech tips for Podcasting. Rob Wlt itunes name lt itunes email robpodcast. Nolt itunes explicit lt itunes image hrefhttp www. Technology lt itunes category textPodcasting lt itunes category lt item lt title 4. Item 1. 38 Zed. Cast with Bruce Murray Voicemail line 2. Welcome to the show it is March 2. Today will be an interview with Bruce Murray from the Zedcast podcast. Please visit this podcast at http www. Podcastslt category lt pub. Date Sat, 2. 5 Mar 2. Business Process Procedure Template Sap Training. Date lt itunes author Rob pod. Cast. 41. 1lt itunes author lt itunes explicit Nolt itunes explicit lt itunes subtitle Welcome to the show it is March 2. Today will be an interview with Bruce Murray from the Zedcast podcast. Please visit this podcast at http www. Welcome to the show it is March 2. Today will be an interview with Bruce Murray from the Zedcast podcast. Please visit this podcast at http www. Cast. 41. 1, podcast, podcasting, podcaster, Interviews, Bruce Murray, Zedcastlt itunes keywords lt item lt channel lt rss You can find this file at http www. To start lets look at this from the 1. Foot Meter level. First you have the following lt UTF 8 lt rss xmlns ituneshttp www. We would suggest you copy this into your file exactly as is. Then you have a Channel and an Item. With the Item being inside the Channel. Both the Channel and the Item require a Title, Description and a Link. With the Item requiring the Enclosure. For All items in red please see the i. Tunes Tutorial here Now lets look at the Channel information from Ground level. First you have lt channel. Near the end of the file after your last Item you will have lt channel. This needs to go in as shown. Cast. 41. 1lt title As you would expect this is the title information. The lt title lt title Mark the begining and end of your title information respectively. In the middle you put the title for your pod. Casts, typically this is also the Title for your website. The 4. Casts, pod. Casters and podcastinglt description Between lt description lt description you put in a more detailed description for all your podcasts. Later in the item you will get to put in a detailed description for a specific podcast. You will notice that the lt indicates the end of that category. Here you put in the URL link to your main site. Up to now the first three categories were mandatory, the next few are optional but highly recommended as they give some additional information to the aggregators out there. If you are in the US and pod. Casting in English, this is the option for you. You can click HERE for additional options. Copyright 2. Obviously you would want to change this to 2. Build. Date Sat, 2. Mar 2. 00. 6 1. 1 3. Build. Date lt pub. Date Sat, 2. 5 Mar 2. Date This is one area we expect some feedback on. But we would suggest you just put in the date and time of the last change to your podcasts. The 0. GMT time. We are on East Cost time PA so for us it is now a 5 hour difference, That will change in the spring when we spring forward one hour. Below is some information for the proper format for Day and Month. Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sunmonth Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecFor more information on proper formating of Date and Time specs visit http www. Section 5. lt docs http blogs. A URL that points to the documentation for the format used in the RSS file. Its for people who might stumble across an RSS file on a Web server 2. This is not really needed but it is nice to add. Hey it is just one copy and paste. Master robpodcast. Master Finally the e mail address for the person responsible for any technical questions relating to this Channel. How to Set Up a Podcast. Please support us by liking sharing this page I remember how hard it was when I first wanted to start my podcast. I searched, and searched, and could not find a good set of instructions on how to do this. It literally took me about a year before I finally set up and started my podcast show. Till this very day, people still have problems with setting up their podcast. Just the other day I found myself looking for answers on how to get the artwork to show up on i. Tunes. Couldnt find any. I finally figured it out. Made a video on it too I finally got fed up with it and decided to make my own How to step by step guide on how to set up a podcast. So hopefully this will find all those people who need help on setting up their own podcast show. Below youll find a complete guide with images, and resources to help set up your podcast. Note This guide is on how to set up a podcast. Not setting up a blog, creating an image, editing or rendering an audio, etc. Click here to learn how to set up a blog. Getting Started. Before we get to the step by step guide, there are a few things you should know and have in order to properly set up your podcast. Things youll need Thing 1 Word. Press Blog. Thing 2 Audio Player Plugin. Thing 3 Feed. Burner. Thing 4 i. Tunes Account. Thing 5 optional Image Artwork 1. Tunes will provide you with a default ugly image artworkThing 5 optional S3 Amazon or Libsyn account to host your audio filesThe way Im going to show you will probably be the easiest way to set up your podcast. It will also cost you the least because you actually dont need to spend any money to set up your podcast. You can do this all free. The only thing youll have to pay for is hosting to host your blog. To pay to host your audio files is optional. Note The following steps are given with the assumption that you have a wordpress blog already set up. Step 1 Create Podcast Category. A Word. Press blog is so you can have another way to share your podcast other than on i. Tunes. Lets face it, not everyone has an i. Phone, i. Pad, i. Pod, let alone i. Tunes. Youll obviously need hosting to host your blog and possibly your audio files as well. Well get into the audio part later. To create your podcast category, simply login to your WP backoffice. Hover over Posts. Click on Categories. Now add a new Category called Podcast. Leave the Parent at none. Scroll down and click on Add New Category. Youre going to post all your podcast episodes under this category. Step 2 Installing Audio Player. Youre going to need an audio player so your audience can listen to your podcast right on your blog. In your WP backoffice, hover over Plugins and click on Add New. In the search field type in Audio Player. Should be the first one. Click on install and activate the plugin. Step 3 Getting Your Domain Feed URLBefore we go to step 4, youll need your blogs podcast feed url. This is totally different from your blog feed url. To get your podcast feed url simply add categorypodcastfeed at the end of your url. EXAMPLE http www. Copy and paste this link in a notepad or something. Youll need it for step 4. Step 4 Setting up Feed. Burner. The Feed. Burner acts as a middle man between your blog and your i. Tunes. This is important because if you ever decide to move your podcast to another blog or site, all youll need to do is edit one field in your feedburner. Youre going to need to have a g. Mail account. If you havent yet, you might as well get it simply because Youll eventually need it to use google analytics, webmaster tools, adwords, adsense, youtube, and whatever else google has monopolized. Go to feedburner. In the blank field paste in your podcast feed url that you got from step 3. Check the I am a podcaster box. Click the Next button. IMPORTANT Feedburner might find other feeds. If this happens, choose the feed that matches the one you created. Next youll name your feed title and your feedburner address. Click on the Next button. Next youll copy and paste the feed url in a notepad or something, youll need this for Step 6 Submitting to i. Tunes. Click the Next button. Ratt Rar more. Next youll configure your podcast so feedburner can tell i. Tunes how to list your podcast. This part is pretty much a fill in the blank type of thing. I would leave the podcast enclosures at any rich media file. For the Category, I would click on Use additional categories. This will help your podcast reach more people. In the Podcast image location, this is where you will paste the image link. The size of the image should be 6. This is for your i. Tunes directory. If you dont have an image then i. Tunes will put their own default image which looks horrible. Click Next when done. You can use your wordpress blog to host your images. This is exactly what I do. In your WP backoffice, hover over Media and click on Add New. Drag or upload you image. Once upload is complete you can copy the image link and paste it into the image location in your feedburner. Note If you dont have an image right now, dont worry, you can add this later. If at a later time you get your image artwork done. Simply click here for step by step instructions. Keep in mind that i. Tunes will use the default image. On the next screen check all the boxes. Click the Next button. You done here. Move on to the next step. Step 5 Creating a Podcast. Were almost ready to submit your podcast to i. Tunes. But before we do this, i. Tunes needs to know where your podcast is coming from. You cant submit a blank podcast. So were going to create a podcast by simply creating a post. Now Im going to assume that you have your audio file ready to go and ready to upload. Hover over Posts and click on Add New. Then name your podcast show and click on UploadInsert icon. Next youre going to drag or upload your audio file. Click on the Audio Player button and then click Insert into Post. Next youre going to create a downloadable file for your podcast. Tunes requires this in order to pick up the feed. The easiest way to do this is highlight the actual link from the audio player and right click to copy. Type in something similar to this, Right click to download audio file. Then highlight the text, click on the Link icon and paste in your audio file link and click Add Link. For an example on how a podcast post looks like, click here. Note About Hosting your Audio Files You can host all your audio files with your current hosting. This is the easiest and will cost you nothing to do. However, if and when your traffic goes crazy and blows up, youll run the chance of crashing your server and potentially being permanently suspended. A simple hosting solution can only handle so much load. As the traffic gets bigger, you put more strain on your hosting and you will then need to host your audio files on places like S3. Amazon or Libsyn. S3. Amazon is really dirt cheap. Its like 0. 1 cents per TB. The best price around. You pay for what you use. Libsyn is a bit more, however it has tracking which allows you to track where and when your podcast was downloaded and listened to. This is for more serious podcasters. This is what I use simply because I want to know exactly where my audience is coming from. Step 6 Submitting to i. Tunesi. Tunes is for you to distribute your podcast to the masses. Youll need an i. Tunes account for this. No worries, its totally free. However you will need a credit card to open your account. Click here to go directly to submit i. Tunes Podcast or follow the directions below.