Husqvarna Serial Number Lookup
ImageUploadedByArbtalk1375046375.943560.jpg.5817b6dd39aae1b89f48ba11c5b191bf.jpg' alt='Husqvarna Serial Number Lookup Chainsaw' title='Husqvarna Serial Number Lookup Chainsaw' />Husqvarna Motorcycle Model numbers and engine numbers. To make. just use your Ctl F function and insert your first four digit. Husqvarna motorcycle models. Husqvarna engine and frame numbers to be used as a. Hi, This my first post. Search this thread only. Husqvarna Rifle Serial Number Lookup. Click here for a comprehensive list of how to find model and serial number format on. Location of frame number stamping 6. YEAREngine. Displacementand model. Frameletternumber. Series. Starting Number. Engine number. Prefix. Notes 1. 99. 91. 99. Husky Boy. Husky Boy Racing JHusky Boy Racing SCR 5. Mini. CR 5. 0 Junior. CR 5. 0 Senior ZCGBOYXHBYV0. White shrouds, yellow fenders White shrouds, yellow fenders White shrouds, yellow fenders. Yellow shrouds, black tail. Yellow shrouds, black tail, chrome pipe. Yellow shrouds, black tail, grey pipe. CR 5. 0 CR 5. 0 JCR 5. SCR 5. 0 Husky Boy. CR5. 0 J junior. CR 5. S senior. CR 5. 0 SLC yellow shrouds, liquid cooled. Machines/Husqvarna-268xp-272xp/i-SZ5DwqX/0/M/009-M.jpg' alt='Husqvarna Serial Number Lookup' title='Husqvarna Serial Number Lookup' />CR,WR1. CR1. 25 WR1. CR1. SCMJ 0. MK 0. 00. MK 0. 00. 01 thru 1. MK 1. 05. 00 and higher. MK 1. 05. 00 and higher. CR GP1. 25 CR GP1. CR1. 25 CR,WR1. 25 CRML 0. ML 1. 60. 00 thru 2. ML 2. 20. 00 thru 3. ML 3. 10. 00 and higher. MN 1. 00. 1 and higher. CR1. 25. WR1. 25 CR1. Model search results for husqvarna 51 30 models found. If there are many listings for one model and different serial number ranges. A Sporting Mauser. Husqvarna. I was a teenager, and with handloads and peep sights it accounted for everything from woodchucks to deer. Many years later, during a. WR1. 25 XCCN 1. 00. WN 1. 00. 1 and higher CN 1. WN 1. 10. 00. XN 1. CR1. 25 WR1. 25 XC1. CR1. 25. WR1. 25. XCCO 0. 00. 01. WO 0. XO 0. 00. 01. CO 1. WO 1. 10. 00. XO 1. CR1. 25. WR1. 25. XC1. 25 Motocross. Enduro. 12. 5 Cross. Country. CP 1. 00. WP 1. 00. 0XP 1. CP 0. WP 0. XP 0. 80. 00. WR1. 25 WRK1. 25 WRK8. HWP2. 00. 00. ZHUWR1. JV0. 00. 00. 1 WMX1. WXE1. 25 WXC1. WXE1. CR cross. WR www. CR1. 25 WRZHUWX1. RV0. 12. 34. 5ZHUWX1. RV0. 12. 34. 5www. CR1. 25 WXE1. 25 WRE1. A1. 50. 00. 1 1. AA0. WXC1. 25 WXEwww. huskyclub. CR1. 25 WRnonewww. CR usa. 12. 5 WR usa. ZCGCR1. 25WV0. 10. ZCGWR1. 25V0. 20. CR1. 25 WR1. 25 SMCR 1. WR 1. 25. ZCGH1. 00. AAXV0. 5xxx ZCGH2. ABWV0. 00xxx 6. AW0. WR1. 75 GP1. 75 WR1. XCMK 0. 00. 01 thru 1. ML 0. 00. 01 thru 0. WO 0. 00. 01 and higher. XO 0. 00. 01 and higher. T Commando. 65. 00. Engine numbers on 6. T also match. 1. 96. T Commando. 25. 02. MF 0. 00. 11. 68xxx. MG 0. 00. 1MH 0. MF series 2. MI 0. 00. 12. 53xxx 2. CR2. 50 WR2. 50 WR RT2. CR2. 50. WRMJ 0. MJ 0. SK 0. MK 0. 00. 01 thru 1. MK 0. 00. 01 thru 1. Road Trail, ss fenders, lites, Amal 1. CR2. 50 WR2. 50 CR GP2. WRMK 1. 05. 00 thru 1. MK 1. 05. 00 thru 1. ML 0. 00. 01. MK 1. CR2. 50 WR2. 50 CR2. WR2. 50 CRML 6. 00. ML 6. 00. 0 thru 1. ML 1. 60. 00 thru 2. ML 1. 60. 00 thru 2. ML 2. 20. 00. 20. WR2. 50 OR2. 50 CR2. WR2. 50 ORML 2. 20. ML 2. 20. 00. MM 0. MM 0. 00. 01. MM 0. CR2. 50 WR2. 50 OR2. CR2. 50 WRMN 1. 00. MN 1. 00. 1MN 1. CN 1. WN 1. XC2. 50 CR2. WR2. XC2. 50 MPXN 1. CN 1. 10. 00. WN 1. XN 1. 10. 00. AM 0. CR2. 50 WR2. 50 XC2. CR2. 50. WR2. 50. XCCO 0. 00. 01 thru 1. WO 0. 00. 01 thru 1. XO 0. 00. 01 thru 1. CO 1. 10. 00WO 1. XO 1. 10. 002. 08. CR2. 50. WR2. 50. XC2. 50. WRX2. 50 Motocross. Enduro. 25. 0 Cross. Country. CP 1. 00. WO 1. 96. 00XP 1. WP 1. 00. 0 thru 0. CP 0. 80. 00 thru 1. WP 0. 80. 00 thru 1. XP 0. 80. 00 thru 1. CR2. 50 CR2. 40 WR2. WR2. 50 XC8. 42. 25. HCP2. 00. 00. 84. HCP2. 00. 00. 84. HWP2. 00. 00. 84. HWP2. 00. 00. 84. HXP2. 00. 00 2. WR2. XC2. 402. WRK2. 50 WMX2. WXEZHU ZHU ZHUMX2. KV0. 00. 00. 1 www. WMX2. 50 WXE2. 50 WMX2. WXEZHUMX2. 50x. LV0. WXC2. 50 WXE2. 50 CR Cross. WRZHUWX2. 50 NV0. ZHUWX2. 50 NV0. 12. ZHUWX2. 50 PV0. 12. ZHUWX2. 50 PV0. 12. WXC2. 50 WXE2. 50 WXC2. WXEZHUWX2. 50. 3RV0. ZHUWX2. 50. 3RV0. ZHUWX2. 50. 3SV0. ZHUWX2. 50. 3SV0. WXC2. 50 WXE2. 50 WXC2. WXE2. 50 WXC2. 50 WXEwww. CR 2. 50 WR 2. 50 CR 2. WR 2. 50 ZCGWR2. XV0xxxxx www. huskyclub. WXEZHUWX2. 60. 0LV0. C9. 00. 0xxx. 19. WXC3. 50 WXETEWXCZHUTC3. NV0. 0xxxx. ZHUTE3. NV0. 0xxxx. 19. 93. WXETEWXC3. 50 WXETEWXC3. TE3. 50 WXETEZHUTE3. PV0. 0xxxx. ZHUTE3. RV0. 0xxxx. ZHUTE3. SV0. 0xxxx. ZHUTE3. TV0. 0xxxxwww. huskyclub. Motocross. 36. 0 Viking. Viking. 36. 0 cross. C sportsman. 36. 0 cross. C sportsman. MF 0. MG 0. 00. 1SG 0. MH 0. SH 0. C enduro. 36. C enduro. MI 0. 00. SI 0. SI 1. 50. 03. WR RT3. 60 WR RT3. WR RT3. 60 CR GPSK 0. SK 0. 00. 1SK 0. ML 0. Road Trail. Road and Trail. Road and Trail 1. CR3. 60. WR3. 60 Auto. ML 6. 00. 0 1. ML 6. ML 6. 00. 0 1. Auto. WR3. 60 Auto. ML 1. ML 1. 60. 00. 20. WXC3. 60 WXEZHUWX3. NV0. 12. 34. 5ZHUWX3. NV0. 12. 34. 51. 99. WXC3. 60 WXEZHUWX3. PV0. 12. 34. 5ZHUWX3. PV0. 12. 34. 51. 99. WXC3. 60 WXE3. 60 WXC3. WXEwww. huskyclub. WXE3. 60 WXE1. 99. WR 3. 60. WR 3. 60www. CR3. 90 CR3. 90 WR3. OR3. 90 AMX3. 90 CR3. WR3. 90 OR3. 90 ACC3. CR3. 90 WR3. 90 OR3. ACCML 1. 60. 00. ML 2. ML 2. ML 2. 20. 00. ML 2. MM 0. 00. 01. MM 0. MM 0. 00. 01. MM 0. MN 1. 00. 1MN 1. MN 1. 00. 1MN 1. CR4. CR4. 00 CR4. CR4. WR4. 00 WR4. WR4. WR4. 00 WRX4. Enduro. Cross. Country. MG 0. MH 0. 00. 1MI 0. MJ 0. MK 0. MK 1. 05. 00. MK 1. MK 1. 95. 00. WO 1. WO 1. 96. 00. WP 1. WP 0. 80. 00. XP 0. WRWP 0. 80. TE1. 99. 81. 99. 92. TE4. 10 TE4. 10 TE1. AE4. 20 AXC4. 30 CR4. WR4. 30 XC4. 30 CR4. WR4. 30 XC4. 30 WR4. A Enduro. WN 1. CN 1. CN 1. WN 1. 00. 1XN 1. CN 1. 10. 00. WN 1. XN 1. 10. 00. WO 0. WP 2. 08. 52. 08. CR4. 30 WR4. 30 XC4. Auto. CP2. 00. 00WP2. XP2. 00. 00 2. CR4. WR4. 30 XC4. AEZHUCR4. Jx. ZHUWR4. 30. 4JV0. ZHUXC4. 30x. Jxx. ZHUAE4. 30 2. 20. WR2. 20. 21. 99. 04. WR2. 20. 21. 97. 21. CR4. 50 WR4. 50 CR4. WR4. 50 CR4. 50 WR4. MJ 0. 00. 1MJ 0. MK 0. MK 0. MK 1. 05. 00. MK 1. MK 0. 00. 12. CR5. 00 CR5. 00 XC5. TC5. 00. CR5. 00 WR5. XC5. 00 AE5. 00 CR5. XC5. 00 AE5. 00 TC5. Motocross. 50. 0 Cross. Country. 50. 0 4. S Motocross. 50. 0 CR5. XC5. 10 TE5. 10 TX5. TE5. 10. TX5. 10 TE5. TX5. 10 4. S Enduro. S Cross. Country. CN 1. 90. 01. CO 1. XO 1. 00. 1CO 1. CO 1. WO 1. XO 1. 10. 00. WO 1. CP 0. 10. 00. XP 0. WO 1. 00. 00. XO 1. CP 0. 80. 00. XP 0. CP 0. 80. 00. CP2. XP2. 00. 00WO 1. XO 1. 00. 01. WO 1. WO 1. 10. 00. WO 1. XO 1. 96. 00. WP xxxxx. WP xxxxx. 20. 94. TC5. 10 TE5. 10 TX8. HCP2. 00. 008. 42. HXP2. 00. 008. 42. HXP2. 00. 00 2. TC5. TE5. 10 TXZHUTC5. JS0. 27xxx. ZHUTE5. JS0. 27xxx. ZHUTX5. JS0. 27xxx. 22. 21 2. TC5. 10 TE5. 10 TX9. T0. 00. 00. 1 thru 5. T0. 00. 00. 1 thru 4. ZHUTX5. 10x. Kx. 00. WMX5. 10 WXE2. 00. TE5. 70. TC5. 70. SMR5. 70. ZCGH6. 01. AA1. V5. 90. 7ZCGH6. AA1. V0. 52. 42. 2ZCGH6. AB1. V0. 00. 50. 9 2. TEZCGTE6. 10. 42. V0. 60xxx. 19. 91. WMX6. 10 WXE6. 10 TC6. TE6. 10 TC6. 10 TE ZHUTC6. NV0. 00. 00. 0 ZHUTE6. NV0. 00. 00. 0 ZHUTC6. PV0. 00. 00. 0 ZHUTE6. PV0. 00. 00. 0 www. TC6. 10 TE6. 10 TC6. TEZHUTC6. 10x. RV0. ZHUTE6. 10x. RV0. ZHUTC6. 10x. SV0. ZHUTE6. 10x. SV0. WMX6. 10 WXE6. 10 WMX6. WXEwww. huskyclub. TC6. 10 TETC 6. 10. TE 6. 10. SM 6. 10 ZCGTC6. YV0xxxxx www. huskyclub. This list is an unverified listing of Husqvarna engine and frame. Husqvarna motorcycles for. Mario World 2 Download Rom For Android. If you have a Husky that does not match this list. V. I. N. Code Breakdown i need help with. The Vehicle Identification Number is a 1. VIN code, capital letters I, O and Q are not used for obvious. No signs or spaces are allowed in the VIN. The first three characters uniquely identify the manufacturer, make. I think Z means Italy and HU means HusqvarnaThe second section consists of five characters VIN positions. For each type. passenger cars, MPVs, trucks, buses, trailers, motorcycles or. WR, TX, TC. etcposition 6, 7, 8 indicate husky engine size. The third section of the VIN consists of one character which is.