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The Proximus Group previously known as Belgacom Group is the largest telecommunications company in Belgium, headquartered in Brussels. Proximus Group is primarily. Okay Karacann1. Son olarak Trk arkc Atilla Tan bir Gangnam Style parodisi olan Yam Yam Style adl arksn Yunanistana itelemeleri ile medyada yer almlardr. Sanatnn zerinde oynanm Yunanistan bayrakl bir fotorafn Athillas Thasos adyla You. Tubea ykleyen szlk kullanclarnn bu eylemi hem yerel hem de d basnda yer etmitir. Sz konusu video telif haklar nedeniyle kaldrlm olsa da 5. Ar bir argo dilin hakim olduu szlk kullanclar kurallara aykr olmasna ramen zaman zaman 3. Bu durum da szln Trk mahkemeleri tarafndan eriime engellenmesine neden olmaktadr. Szlkteki kendisiyle ilgili balklarda yer alan hakaretler zerine Nisan 2. Adnan Oktar szl mahkemeye vermitir. Bunun zerine szlk tarafndan bir zr mesaj yaynlanm, Adnan Oktar balklarnn tm szlkten silinmi ve kapatlm bylece bir otosansr uygulanmtr. 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Ayrca Anonymous adl uluslararas siber aktivist grup da Digiturke kar bir bildiri yaymlam3. Szlk ierisinde yer alan argo dil sebebiyle tekrar eriim engeline taklan szlk ierisindeki argo kelimeler ve kelime kalplar yazlm marifetiyle site ynetimi tarafndan otomatik olarak farkl kelimeler ve kalplar ile deitirilmitir. Nisan 2. 01. 2 tarihindeki bu deiiklikle site ynetiminin bir kez daha otosansr uygulamas sonras szle eriim almtr. Szlk yazarlar kendi aralarnda topladklar balarla Eskiehirde yaplacak seimlerde destekleyecekleri bir bamsz aday karmlardr. Nisan 2. 01. 1 tarihinde szlk zerinden yaplan aklamada3. Ahmet Abi olarak tannan3. Ahmet Ylmaz olduu duyurulmutur. Nisan 2. 01. 1 akam ise Adalarda bulunan Migros binasnn nnde miting yaplm4. Ayrca YSK tarafndan aklanan 7. TL adaylk cretinin4. Nisan 2. 01. 1 akam szlk zerinden yaplan aklamaya greyse nci seer sloganyla srdrdkleri4. Ahmet Ylmazn bamsz adayl onaylanmtr. Propaganda faaliyetlerine ise nemli olan oyu deil ilevi sloganyla devam edilmitir. Seimler sonucunda ise toplam 6. Ylmaz meclise girememitir. Bu sonucun ardndan nci Szlk yeleri tarafndan kandrldn belirten Ylmaz kendisinin 1. Szln Eskiehirdeki yeleri ise bir aklama yaparak milletvekillii adaylk cretinin bir ksmn topladklarn ancak tamamn karlamayacaklarn Ahmet Ylmaza belirttiklerini, bunun zerine Ylmazn da toplanan parann zerini tamamlayacan belirttiini ayrca tm reklam ile yolculuk giderlerinin kendileri tarafndan karlandn aklamlardr. Ylmazn harcad paradan ise haberlerinin olmadn belirtmilerdir. Szlk yeleri, stanbul Baakehir FKy desteklemek iin Boz Baykular isimli bir taraftar grubu kurmulardr. Taraftar grubu szlkten bamsz olup szlkle olan tek ba grup yelerinin ayn zamanda szle ye olmalardr. Umut Kullar ve szln kurucusu Serkan ncinin ortak bir alma sonucunda hazrlad bir kitap olan nci Szlk nsanla Lanet, 8 Haziran 2. Altkrkbe Yaynlarndan kan5. Trkiyenin her ilindeki kitaplarda ve internet kitaplarnda sata kan5. Lanetin yazarlar Serkan nci ve Umut Kullar yeniden bir kitap yazmaya balamlardr. Lanetin aksine roman tarznda olan Kahpe Temmuz 2. Yine Altkrkbe Yaynlarndan kan kitap 9. Panpa, nci Szlk serisi kitaplarnn yazarlar Serkan nci ve Umut Kullar ile Yusuf naln giriimleriyle ekillenen aylk bir sanat, fikir ve aksiyon dergisi. Szlk slubuna uygun yaz, illstrasyon ve genel kltr yazlarnn bulunaca dergi ayrca internette bir fenomen olmu caps ekran grnts kltrnden de beslenmektedir. Altkrkbe Yaynlar tarafndan baslan dergi yaym hayatna Eyll 2. Caps ile Serkan nci ve Umut Kullar, gnmzde ykselite olan caps akmn btn bir kitap olarak ele almtr. Caps akmnn nasl ortaya kt, internet kullanmna ve nci Capsin nasl bu kadar ykselebildiini yazmlardr. Epsilon Yaynlarndan kan kitap Ocak 2. Nisan 2. 01. 0. 1. Aralk 2. 01. 4 tarihinde kaynandan arivlendi. Eriim tarihi 6 Mays 2. Altn er incisi ker. Haziran 2. 01. 0. Aralk 2. 01. 4 tarihinde kaynandan arivlendi. C4B1nC4B1 C59. Fer incisi ker. Eriim tarihi 2. Temmuz 2. Serkan nci, Umut Kullar Trke Basl yaym. Szlk nsanla Lanet stanbul bas. Altkrkbe Yaynlar. ISBN 9. 78. 60. 55. Site Bilgisi. Alexa Internet. Haziran 2. 01. 7 tarihinde kaynandan arivlendi. Eriim tarihi Austos 1. Szlk istatistikleri. Temmuz 2. 01. 4 tarihinde kaynandan arivlendi. Eriim tarihi 1 Ekim 2. Proximus Group Wikipedia. This article needs to be updated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. June 2. Proximus Group. Public limited company. Traded as. Euronext PROXIndustry. Telecommunications. Founded. 19. 30 as RTTHeadquarters. Brussels, Belgium. Key people. Dominique LeroyCEO, Stefaan De ClerckChairmanProducts. Fixed line and mobile telephony, internet, digital television, IT services. Revenue6. 0. 12 billion 2. Profit4. 82 million 2. Total assets8. 2. Total equity2. 8. Genesis 3D Developer Kit For Android. Number of employees. FTE, end 2. 01. 51Subsidiaries. BICS, Scarlet, Skynet, Tango. Websitewww. proximus. The Proximus Group previously known as Belgacom Group is the largest telecommunications company in Belgium, headquartered in Brussels. Proximus Group is primarily state owned, with the Belgian state holding 5. Autodesk Autocad 2014 En X86 X64. Proximus Group offerings include fixed line and mobile communications through the Proximus brand and ICT services to the professional market under the Telindus brand. The main legal entity of Proximus Group is Proximus NVSA, which following integration in 2. Proximus Belgacom Mobile and the ICT services of former subsidiary Telindus. Subsidiaries include BICS, Skynet, Tango, and Scarlet. Since September 2. Proximus becomes the commercial brand of all Belgacom products. HistoryeditThe start of telephony in BelgiumeditIn 1. Belgian telegraph service installed a telephone line at the Parliament. That same year, several private contractors submitted requests to operate the telephone networks in various Belgian cities. The lack of legislation during the first few years of operation reduced the telephone networks chances of developing. It also forced the Belgian authorities to develop a legislative framework to regulate the operation of telephony in Belgium. In 1. 89. 6, the whole telephony sector passed into the hands of a public company. In 1. 91. 3, a large portion of Belgium was accessible by telephone. Although the number of subscribers was still small, the majority of railway stations, post offices and telegraphs were equipped with public telephone booths. After World War I the shift to an autonomous public sector companyeditWorld War I had caused a complete and utter suspension of telecommunications in Belgium. One of the reasons for this was the financial dependency of the public company. The damage caused during the war and the dismantling of parts of the networks meant that colossal investments were needed to manage the telegraphs and telephones. The national telegraph and telephone company Rgie des Tlgraphes et Tlphones, RTT was set up on 1. July 1. 93. 0. The public sector company thus became autonomous it was no longer dependent on annual State budgets and was authorized to carry out its own management. Inclusion of the RTT in the state industrial policyeditWhen the RTT was created, huge sums were invested in the Belgian telephone network. More and more sectors of society now had access to telephony. At the same time, another development was unfolding that would quickly entail a major expense for the company. During the economic crisis of the 1. State would involve the RTT in its industrial and employment policy. In an attempt to reduce the high unemployment rate in the sector the State forced the entire Belgian telephone network to become automated. This development strongly restricted the autonomy of the RTT. Although the law of 1. State was going against the basic principle of the law. After the war, this would soon become a structural problem for the RTT. From a leading edge company to crisis the RTT in the post war periodeditAfter World War II, the RTT was faced with considerable damage and the dismantling of part of its networks. To give a quick boost to the sector, the State decided to intervene financially. During this period, the demand for telecommunication services increased at an alarming rate. The number of subscribers quickly rose from approximately 3. This growth in the customer base led to a very high rate of investment. Thanks to this, towards the end of the 1. RTT found itself at the forefront of social and technological development. But this expansionist approach had a negative side. From the late 1. 96. And the global economic crisis in 1. This situation would lead the RTT to carry out major reorganization programs during the mid 1. During the 1. 98. Thus, in 1. 98. 1, the RTT management began a major reorganization to solve certain structural problems within the company. During that period, another player entered the scene. In 1. 98. 7, the European Commission published its Green Paper on telecommunications, which focused on liberalization. The 1. 99. 0s the Belgacom law and the evolution of the sector under European influenceeditThe Green Paper of 1. Belgian law of 2. March 1. 99. 1, which created a new type of public sector company with greater management autonomy. The Belgian telecommunications sector was thus reorganized and saw the creation of Belgacom, an autonomous public sector company. This law aims to create an environment that is favorable to the competitive development of the telecommunications market in Belgium. From now on, a management contract had to define the prerogatives of the company and the public authorities in order to guarantee the offer of a certain number of general utility public services and a wider management autonomy than that provided for in the law of 1. In 1. 99. 4, the European convergence process began to accelerate. In a new Green Paper, the European Commission declared that the operation of the networks and telephony must also be open to competition. Belgacom founded Proximus, Belgiums first mobile network. On 1 July 1. 99. 4, this activity, as well as the old analog Mob. Belgacom Mobile, with the following shareholding 7. Belgacom 2. 5 Air Touch, then Vodafone in 1. At the same time, Belgacom faced competition by forming partnerships with Ameritech, Tele Danmark and Singapore Telecom. Various Belgian financial institutions responded by forming a consortium, which was called ADSB. The Belgian State holds 5. The Be. ST plan, which was mainly aimed at restructuring the company and dividing it into four business units, was implemented in 2. Belgacom also disposed of certain activities such as Belgacom France, Ben, its security activities as well as the French activities of Infosources. The human dimension of the Be. ST plan was implemented in the course of 2. The company, which employed too many staff at the time, had many reasons for adopting this plan voluntary offers for departure, part time work and reconversion were proposed to a large portion of the staff. In an increasingly open market, in which competition is more aggressive by the day, Belgacom decided to bet on the future by radically changing its image in 2. A change of logo, colors and the promise to be closer to its customers were the bases on which the former RTT began to work. These radical changes in the companys philosophy were followed by the operators initial public offering. On 2. 2 March 2. 00. Belgacom was listed for the first time on the Euronext stock market. The Belgian State remains the majority shareholder with 5. ADSB consortium sold all its shares. This enabled the Belgian incumbent operator to free considerable sums to finance its objectives. Indeed, the time has come for broadband, and the funding of the Broadway project to cover the whole Belgian territory with fiber optic cables requires huge investments.