WAsuptMbEt4/U-tSWFTkXbI/AAAAAAAAEVs/ZPiCRtkdEx0/s1600/img2.png' alt='Crack' title='Crack' />Crack cocaine is the crystal form of cocaine, which normally comes in a powder form. It comes in solid blocks or crystals varying in color from yellow to pale rose. Crack frequently refers to Crack, a fracture or discontinuation in a body Crack, in geology, a fracture geology in a rock Crack, short for crack cocaine, the. What are the shortterm effects of crack cocaine Crack causes a shortlived, intense high that is immediately followed by the oppositeintense depression, edginess. Crack cocaine, also known simply as crack, is a free base form of cocaine that can be smoked. Crack offers a short but intense high to smokers. The Manual of. Learn what crack cocaine is, why people take crack, how its made, and what risks are associated with using crack cocaine. Synonyms of crack from the MerriamWebster Thesaurus, with definitions, antonyms, and related words. Find a better way to say it. Crack' title='Crack' />Crack Synonyms, Crack Antonyms Thesaurus. He could even look through a crack and see the faces of the strangers. He opened the door an inch and I could see a chain between the crack. Dont be alarmed you can bear examination I dont see a crack anywhere. Information, history, facts, and pictures of crack and cocaine. Now I have a great part of a mind to crack thy pate for thee. And he gave the Tanner a crack that made him roar for all his coughing. Guitar Hero Tour Guitar Grip Patch. With that receipt, Pat, youd need a hammer to crack em with after they was baked. And then Sam with a curious light in his eyes took me to a door which he opened just a crack. The enamel was cracked, and I followed every crack as well as every figure of the hours. The merchant stole from his room and looked through the crack in the door. Ill be ben mysel in a meenute or twa to hae a crack wi her.