Best Antivirus 2010
Antivirus or antivirus software often abbreviated as AV, sometimes known as antimalware software, is computer software used to prevent, detect and remove. Learn how to shield your computer from todays Internet threats with advanced virus removal and virus protection technologies from Norton AntiVirus software. Theres a misconception that Linux users dont need antivirus software. True, Linux does best Windows 6 Things That Ubuntu Does Better Than Windows 6 Things That. SMVvCGew/UX3e4xse7LI/AAAAAAAACC4/KbtJGTYw4yQ/s1600/2013-04-29_10-44_ArcaVir+Antivirus+Protection.jpg' alt='Best Antivirus 2010' title='Best Antivirus 2010' />Smadav Antivirus 2. Situs Resmi Official Smadav. Best Antivirus 2010' title='Best Antivirus 2010' />Smadav 2. Rev. Teknologi deteksi utama sekarang menggunakan heuristic whitelist reputasi aplikasi, Peningkatan metode proteksi anti exe pada USB Flash disk, Peningkatan kemampuan pendeteksian dan pembersihan virus GroundPaint, Perbaikan metode pengiriman data statistik untuk pengembangan Smadav. Smadav 2. 01. 7 Rev. Pengiriman statistik di komputer pengguna untuk pengembangan database Smadav, Fitur Anti Ransomware untuk pencegahan Ransomware virus penyandera data Cerber 3, Cerber 4, Wanna. Cry 1, Wanna Cry 2. Penambahan Fitur baru USB Anti Exe untuk memblokir program tidak dikenal di USB Flashdisk, Scanning lebih cepat dan penggunaan resource CPU lebih ringan. Perbaikan kesalahan program bug dan kesalahan deteksi, Perubahan ketentuan fitur Smadav Free dan Pro. Penambahan database blacklist virus. Smadav 2. 01. 6 Rev. Anti Ransomware sebagai pencegahan untuk virus penyandera data Cerber, Locky, Teslacrypt, dll., Penambahan fitur Scan Total untuk membersihkan yang virus belum dikenali, Fitur otomatis mengembalikan file tersembunyi di flashdisk, Penyempurnaan proteksi USB dan Browser,Support untuk Windows 1. Driver Of Hp Laserjet P1108. Smadav dapat digunakan di Windows XPVista781. Fungsi utama Smadav 1 Proteksi tambahan untuk komputer Anda, kompatibel dengan antivirus lainnya Sebagian besar antivirus tidak bisa di install bersama antivirus lainnya, itu karena antivirus tersebut didesain untuk proteksi utama pada komputer Anda. Berbeda dengan Smadav, Smadav adalah tipe antivirus yang di desain sebagai proteksi tambahan, sehingga kompatibel dan dapat berjalan dengan baik walaupun sudah ada antivirus lain di komputer Anda, dalam hal ini Smadav berfungsi sebagai lapisan pertahanan kedua. Smadav mempunyai caranya sendiri behavior, heuristic, dan whitelisting dalam mendeteksi dan membersihkan virus sehingga akan lebih meningkatkan keamanan di komputer tersebut. Karena penggunaan resource Smadav yang sangat kecil, Smadav tidak akan menambah berat kinerja komputer Anda dalam penggunaannya. Jadi, dengan perpaduan proteksi antara Smadav dan antivirus yang sudah ter install di komputer Anda akan semakin memperkuat pertahanan komputer Anda dari infeksi virus. One of the Best USB Antivirus Proteksi USB FlashdiskUSB Flashdisk adalah salah satu media penyebaran virus terbesar. Smadav mempunyai teknologi khusus untuk pencegahan virus yang menyebar melalui USB Flashdisk. Smadav mempunyai cukup banyak signature virus yang menginfeksi flashdisk, dan mempunyai kemampuan khusus untuk mendeteksi virus baru di flashdisk walaupun belum ada di database Smadav. Tidak hanya pencegahan, Smadav juga mampu membersihkan virus yang menginfeksi dan mengembalikan file yang disembunyikan virus di USB Flashdisk tersebut. Smadav sangat baik digunakan untuk komputer yang jarang atau bahkan tidak terkoneksi ke internet. Smadav tidak perlu melakukan update sesering antivirus lainnya. Smadav tidak terlalu tergantung pada signaturedatabase virusnya, tapi lebih bergantung kepada teknik deteksi behavior, heuristic, dan whitelisting. Antivirus yang sangat ringan. Smadav hanya menggunakan sumber daya resource komputer yang sangat kecil. Sebagian besar pemakaian saat Smadav aktif hanya memerlukan memori dibawah 5 MB dan penggunaan CPU yang sangat kecil dibawah 1. Dengan penggunaan yang sangat kecil seperti ini, Smadav tidak akan mempengaruhi atau memperlambat pekerjaan Anda yang lainnya. Dan Anda juga masih tetap dapat meng install antivirus lainnya yang bisa bersanding dengan Smadav untuk melindungi komputer Anda. Cleaner dan tools untuk membersihkan virus. Smadav dapat membersihkan komputer Anda dari virus baik secara otomatis ataupun manual menggunakan tools yang disediakan Smadav. Smadav juga dapat memperbaiki registry yang sudah dirusakdiubah oleh virus. Beberapa tools yang dapat digunakan pada Smadav Pro untuk membersihkan virus secara manual yaitu. One Virus By User, untuk menambahkan file virus dan membersihkannya secara manual. Process Manager, untuk mengatur proses dan program yang berjalan di PC. System editor, untuk memperbaiki pengaturan sistem yang diubah virus. Win Force, untuk membuka program manajemen sistem di Windows. Smad Lock, untuk memperkuat pertahanan drive komputer dari infeksi virus. Smadav Pro mempunyai banyak fitur tambahan yang tidak ada di Smadav Free, berikut ini adalah fitur fitur tambahan yang akan Anda dapatkan pada Smadav Pro Update Otomatis Online, Fitur Tools di Aplikasi, Setting Anti Ransomware dan Proteksi di Aplikasi, Daftar Pengecualian, Mengubah UkuranWarna Tampilan, Password Admin, Izin Penggunaan Profit, dan Fitur Baru di versi versi berikutnya yang diprioritaskan akan ditambahkan untuk Smadav Pro. Catatan Smadav Free Pro mempunyai kemampuan deteksi yang sama. Bedanya hanya pada fitur update otomatis dan fitur tambahan lainnya. Klik disini Untuk melihat penjelasan cara membeli Smadav Pro Untuk pengguna Smadav Free, Anda harus mengunduh ulang file Smadav 2. Revisi terbaru kemudian membuka program Smadav tersebut di komputer Anda dan tidak perlu koneksi internet lagi, nanti akan ada konfirmasi bahwa Smadav akan di update. Smadav versi Free tidak mempunyai fitur update otomatis, untuk mendapatkan update otomatis lewat internet Anda harus menggunakan Smadav versi Pro. Jika menggunakan Smadav Pro, Anda tidak perlu lagi memikirkan update Smadav karena Smadav yang ada di komputer Anda akan otomatis terupdate jika terkoneksi ke internet. Anda juga dapat memperoleh berita update langsung ke Facebook Anda dengan mendaftar terlebih dahulu di halaman facebook Smadav, klik disini untuk langsung mendaftar. Antivirus software Wikipedia. For medications concerning biological viruses, see Antiviral. Clam. Tk, an open source antivirus based on the Clam. AV antivirus engine, originally developed by Tomasz Kojm in 2. Antivirus or anti virus software often abbreviated as AV, sometimes known as anti malware software, is computer software used to prevent, detect and remove malicious software. Antivirus software was originally developed to detect and remove computer viruses, hence the name. However, with the proliferation of other kinds of malware, antivirus software started to provide protection from other computer threats. In particular, modern antivirus software can protect from malicious browser helper objects BHOs, browser hijackers, ransomware, keyloggers, backdoors, rootkits, trojan horses, worms, malicious LSPs, dialers, fraudtools, adware and spyware. Some products also include protection from other computer threats, such as infected and malicious URLs, spam, scam and phishing attacks, online identity privacy, online banking attacks, social engineering techniques, advanced persistent threat APT and botnet. DDo. S attacks. 3Historyedit1. Although the roots of the computer virus date back as early as 1. Hungarian scientist John von Neumann published the Theory of self reproducing automata,4 the first known computer virus appeared in 1. Creeper virus. 5 This computer virus infected Digital Equipment Corporations DEC PDP 1. TENEX operating system. The Creeper virus was eventually deleted by a program created by Ray Tomlinson and known as The Reaper. Some people consider The Reaper the first antivirus software ever written it may be the case, but it is important to note that the Reaper was actually a virus itself specifically designed to remove the Creeper virus. The Creeper virus was followed by several other viruses. The first known that appeared in the wild was Elk Cloner, in 1. Apple II computers. In 1. 98. 3, the term computer virus was coined by Fred Cohen in one of the first ever published academic papers on computer viruses. Cohen used the term computer virus to describe a program that affect other computer programs by modifying them in such a way as to include a possibly evolved copy of itself. Hungarian security researcher Pter Szr a code that recursively replicates a possibly evolved copy of itself1. The first IBM PC compatible in the wild computer virus, and one of the first real widespread infections, was Brain in 1. From then, the number of viruses has grown exponentially. Most of the computer viruses written in the early and mid 1. That changed when more and more programmers became acquainted with computer virus programming and created viruses that manipulated or even destroyed data on infected computers. Before internet connectivity was widespread, computer viruses were typically spread by infected floppy disks. Antivirus software came into use, but was updated relatively infrequently. During this time, virus checkers essentially had to check executable files and the boot sectors of floppy disks and hard disks. However, as internet usage became common, viruses began to spread online. There are competing claims for the innovator of the first antivirus product. Possibly, the first publicly documented removal of an in the wild computer virus i. Vienna virus was performed by Bernd Fix in 1. In 1. 98. 7, Andreas Lning and Kai Figge founded G Data Software and released their first antivirus product for the Atari ST platform. Dubiously, they later also produced Virus Construction Kits. In 1. 98. 7, the Ultimate Virus Killer UVK was also released. This was the de facto industry standard virus killer for the Atari ST and Atari Falcon, the last version of which version 9. April 2. 00. 4. citation needed In 1. United States, John Mc. Afee founded the Mc. Afee company now part of Intel Security2. Virus. Scan. 2. 8 Also in 1. Czechoslovakia, Peter Pako, Rudolf Hrub, and Miroslav Trnka created the first version of NOD antivirus. In 1. 98. 7, Fred Cohen wrote that there is no algorithm that can perfectly detect all possible computer viruses. Finally, at the end of 1. Flushot Plus by Ross Greenberg3. Anti. 4us by Erwin Lanting. In his OReilly book, Malicious Mobile Code Virus Protection for Windows, Roger Grimes described Flushot Plus as the first holistic program to fight MMC malicious mobile code. However, the kind of heuristic used by early AV engines was totally different from those used today. The first product with a heuristic engine resembling modern ones was F PROT in 1. Early heuristic engines were based on dividing the binary in different sections data section, code section in a legitimate binary, it usually starts always from the same location. Indeed, the initial viruses re organized the layout of the sections, or overrode the initial portion of section in order to jump to the very end of the file where malicious code was locatedonly going back to resume execution of the original code. This was a very specific pattern, not used at the time by any legitimate software, which represented an elegant heuristic to catch suspicious code. Other kinds of more advanced heuristics were later added, such as suspicious section names, incorrect header size, regular expressions, and partial pattern in memory matching. In 1. 98. 8, the growth of antivirus companies continued. In Germany, Tjark Auerbach founded Avira HBEDV at the time and released the first version of Anti. Vir named Luke Filewalker at the time. In Bulgaria, Dr. Vesselin Bontchev released his first freeware antivirus program he later joined FRISK Software. Also Frans Veldman released the first version of Thunder. Byte Antivirus, also known as TBAV he sold his company to Norman Safeground in 1. In Czechoslovakia, Pavel Baudi and Eduard Kuera started avast ALWIL Software and released their first version of avast In June 1. South Korea, Dr. Ahn Cheol Soo released its first antivirus software, called V1 he founded Ahn. Lab later in 1. 99. Finally, in the Autumn 1. United Kingdom, Alan Solomon founded S S International and created his Dr. Solomons Anti Virus Toolkit although he launched it commercially only in 1. Dr. Solomons company was acquired by Mc. Afee. In November 1. Panamerican University in Mexico City named Alejandro E. Carriles copyrighted the first antivirus software in Mexico under the name Byte Matabichos Byte Bugkiller to help solve the rampant virus infestation among students. Also in 1. 98. 8, a mailing list named VIRUS L3. BITNETEARN network where new viruses and the possibilities of detecting and eliminating viruses were discussed. Some members of this mailing list were Alan Solomon, Eugene Kaspersky Kaspersky Lab, Fririk Sklason FRISK Software, John Mc. Afee Mc. Afee, Luis Corrons Panda Security, Mikko Hyppnen F Secure, Pter Szr, Tjark Auerbach Avira and Dr. Vesselin Bontchev FRISK Software. In 1. 98. 9, in Iceland, Fririk Sklason created the first version of F PROT Anti Virus back in 1. FRISK Software only in 1. In the meanwhile, in United States, Symantec founded by Gary Hendrix in 1. Symantec antivirus for Macintosh SAM. SAM 2. 0, released March 1. SAM to intercept and eliminate new viruses, including many that didnt exist at the time of the programs release. In the end of the 1.